Looks great from the photo's

Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Day 72 - New Meadows to Cambridge

Start time: 08.00
Start location: New Meadows
Start State:
Start weather: Cool
Total millage so far: 3,740.97 – computer says 3,739.50. similar to other figure, thought I had lost miles due to computer error though.  Will use the computer number from now.

Finish time: 12.45
Finish location: Cambridge
Finish State: Idaho
Finish weather: Hot
Miles today: 53.6
Total millage so far: 3,793.1
Today's top speed: 39.5
Today's average speed:  16.6
Today’s ride time: 3hr 12min 41sec
Punctures - 3 (slow back wheel), (staple in back wheel), (major blowout)

Music played:
The Essential Mix - Gareth Wyn - 15-01-11
The Essential Mix - Marco Carola - 05-02-11 

Blog for today:

Today, hmmm what happened?  Well last night we had the second day of the TransAm Olympics 2012, with a slow bike race.  That was fun, I cam second.  The morning was freezing, not sure how we got ourselves together, a warm cup of tea!  I gave my gym trainer a ring, it being Monday, my usual gym day, I thought he would be sitting around with nothing to do, but he's in bloody Italy cycling!  jammy git.  I will have to wait till we are back to sort out sessions.  Need to get fit ;)  

We barely got a mile when we all came to a complete stop and had our photo's taken with the 45th parrallel sign.  This was one of the funniest points of the day as the van came by and we all waved our water bottles asking for water, less than a mile from camp.  Little things...  I didn''t stop at the first town, but made it to the second after a bit of climbing, some more dangerous roads and a mixed bag of good and killer drivers.  The downhill after the pass was great, starting to get my speed back again now.  This was followed by a lovely long straight road, good surface with a tailwind into Council, averaging between 20-30mph, overtaking Ubald into town.  Lovely little place, although some of the people are a little odd.  I tried getting the attention of a women so I could ask her where the best place to eat was, but she ran away - near enough!  Anyway, had a huge breakfast that I hoped would set me up for the rest of the day, but left me feeling rough.  More bad roads and drivers on the way out of town, some good ones too who gave lots of rooms. Seems like the crappy ones give other cars plenty of space, but they barely give us a foot at times.  I would like to give them the finger, but this being Idaho, a rough state with lots of KKK, survivalists and other nutters, I kept my finger to myself! lol.  

Made it to Cambridge in good time, legs felt ok today, went past a scrub land fire just outside of Council, with firemen putting it out.  The road which took us to our camp for tonight seemed to go on for ages.  Made it back and went to bed.  Finally made my cake, which was a success, well, it went down quick and no one complained.  I wonder what happened to all that broken egg shell ;)  Pics of the cake tomorrow, and more news on the third day of the Olympics too.  Oh, lots of the past few days of rock formations have been really volcanic, similar to what you see in Ireland at the Giants Causeway.  

I wanted to start making a list of things I've seen, done and felt over the best 3months.  It's kinda easy to of these as you cycle along, taking your mind off the millage, but not so easy now.  Perhaps I should take a Dictaphone and do it like that!  great idea. 

 Ah, so this is where Superman is hiding out, in Idaho
 Nice ladenhoes

 Oh dear, the ACA van is on fire

 Second day of the Olympics
 Slow, bicycle race. I win my heat
 Came second in the final, even cheating by shouting out "mind the dogs Ubald"

 Retro machines from my childhood

 Day 72 - New Meadows to Cambridge

 My little tent, which will be burnt in a Viking burial on the beaches of Oregon!

 OK, where are all the Koreans?
 Strange people in Idaho
 Big logging firm

 End camp

Monday, 30 July 2012

Day 71, White bird to New Meadow

Start time: 07.21
Start location: White bird
Start State: Idaho
Start weather: Warm
Total millage so far: 3,681.46

Finish time: 12.52 – what time zone, should another hour be added??
Finish location: New Meadow
Finish State: Idaho
Finish weather: Hot
Miles today: 59.51
Total millage so far: 3,740.97 – computer says 3,739.50. similar to other figure, thought I had lost miles due to computer error though.  Might use the computer number from now.
Today's top speed: 29.2 – really?
Today's average speed:  14.5
Today’s ride time: 4hr 06min 17sec
Punctures - 3 (slow back wheel), (staple in back wheel), (major blowout)

Music played:
The Essential Mix - Nicky Romero - 28-04-12 
The Essential Mix - Groove Armada - 05-05-12
The Essential Mix - DJ Pierre - 14-01-07
The Essential Mix - Gareth Wyn - 15-01-11

Blog for today:

 Waiting for the video to upload at the moment.  So I was on the phone earlier to Ben, saying how this wasnt' a holiday, that this is really hard work for what must be, then 100th time.  I remembered the conversation while I was relaxing in the hot spring just behind the campground.  I'm trying now to work out how I can make this part sound like hard work too.

Today was a mixed bag of hard and pretty hard.  My legs were tired after yesterdays good ride day, so the start was slow.  It didn't get much better.  The sun beat down on us relentlessly all day, though the hills and mountains along the river.  I stopped off lots of water and food, one of the places was an amazing fruit store.  The staff were friendly and the fruit smelled fresh, then there were the home made pies, I could have stayed there all day.

The roads were mixed, some really good, some just the worst! hard work to ride on safely with the heavy traffic going past.  On the map there was a petrol station which I was aiming for to get water.  Of course, it was shut.  God dammit.  Luckily though, the campground next day was open.  A very kind nice lady filled my bottles with water and ice, even offering my pie!! wow.  I had to turn down the pie though as wanted to get to camp.  I asked about a bottle of wine too, but she said I had to come back and stay some time lol.  

Cant remember too much more, fantastic scenery as always, lots to see and be happy about.  Two weeks time and I will be home in my own bed!  Fantastic.  Of course I will really miss America, but it will be so nice to be home with Buster ;)
 Looking out over the water before a quick swim, strong currents though

 Wendy "helping" to mend her bike lol
 First day of the ACA Olympics
 Mike wants a rematch, or is he happy?  Greg is stuck in Kentucky!
 The final!
 Second place for me, Gina pipped me to the post.  I will hide a plastic spider somewhere next time

 Day 71, White bird to New Meadows
 Cycling along the river still, just amazing views.

 Gold strike!

 Great little fruit shop, lovely fresh smells!
 Presents for Ben
